
canciones de cuna española

Una nana o canción de cuna es una canción de ritmo suave y relajante, para arrullar a un bebé y ayudarle a dormir. Todas las culturas del mundo tienen sus propias formas de Nana, adaptadas a las estructuras rítmicas y melódicas propias de la música folclórica de la zona. La música culta, ha recogido igualmente el concepto de nana.
Cho-co, cho-co, la-la
Cho-co, cho-co, te-te
Cho-co-la, cho-co-te

Cho-co, cho-co, la-la
Cho-co, cho-co, te-te
Cho-co-la, cho-co-te
"Mister Thumb (x2)
Where are you?" "Here I am!"
"Very pleased to see you (x2)
Now I'm leaving!" "So am I!"

"Mister Forefinger…

"Mister Middle Finger…

"Mister Ring Finger…

"Mister Little Finger…

"All the brothers (x2)
Where are you?" "Here we are!
Very pleased to see you! (x2)
We are leaving, we are leaving!"
Once upon a time there was a tiny little boat
Once upon a time there was a tiny little boat,
That could not, that could not,
That could not sail.


One, two, three, four, five, six weeks happened to pass,
One, two, three, four, five, six weeks happened to pass,
And that tiny boat, and that tiny boat,
And that tiny boat sailed.
José se llamaba el padre
Josefa la mujer
Y tenían un hijito que se llamaba...


The father's name was Joseph
Josepha was the wife,
And they had a baby son and the son's
La araña chiquitita trepó por la pared,
Vino la lluvia y al suelo la tiró ¡plof!
El sol salió, la lluvia secó
Y la araña chiquitita
De nuevo trepó.


The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the wall
Down came the rain and threw it to the ground, plop!
The sun came out, the rain dried up
And the itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up again.
La linda manita que tiene el bebé
Qué linda, qué linda, qué preciosa es.


What a lovely, tiny hand the baby has (got)!
How lovely, how lovely how fine it is!
Martinillo, Martinillo,
¿dónde estás?
¿dónde estás?
toca la campana,
toca la campana,
din, don, dan
din, don, dan.


Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping,
Brother John, brother John?
Morning bells are ringing.
Morning bells are ringing.
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding.
Yo tengo una carita
Que parece una casita,
Los pelos de la cabeza
Parece que son las tejas,
Los ojos son dos ventanas
Que se abren por las mañanas,
La boca la tengo abierta, aaaaaaaaaaa,
Parece que es una puerta
Y en el centro una nariz
Que es un timbre y hace ring, ring, ring.


I have a pretty face
That looks like a little house,
The hair on my head
It seems that they're the tiles,
The eyes are two windows
That open in the morning,
I open my mouth aaaaaaaaaa,
It seems that it's a door
In the middle is the nose
That's a bell and goes ring, ring, ring.
Hacia Belén va una burra, rin rin
Yo me remendaba, yo me remendé
Yo me eché un remiendo yo me lo quité
Cargada de chocolate

Lleva su chocolatero*, rin rin
Yo me remendaba yo me remendé
Yo me eché un remiendo yo me lo quité
Su molinillo y su anafe

Mariá Mariá ven acá corriendó
Que el chocolatilló se lo está comiendó
Mariá Mariá ven acá volandó
Que el chocolatilló se lo está llevandó.


A donkey is going to Bethlehem, rin rin,
(I was mending, I mended,**
I put a patch on, I took it off.)
The donkey's loaded with chocolate.

It carries its chocolate pot
(I was mending, I mended,
I put a patch on, I took it off.)
It carries its chocolate whisk*** and its stove.

Mary, Mary, come running here
For it's eating the chocolate,
Mary, Mary, come flying here
For it's taking away the chocolate.
Cucú cantaba la rana
cucú debajo del agua
cucú pasó un caballero
cucú con capa y sombrero
cucú pasó una señora
cucú con falda de cola
cucú pasó un marinero
cucú llevaba romero
cucú le pidió un ramito
cucú no le quiso dar
cucú se echó a nadar.


Coo coo, sang the frog,
Coo coo, under the water,
Coo coo, a man walked by,
Coo coo, with a coat and a hat,
Coo coo, a woman walked by,
Coo coo, with a long skirt on,
Coo coo, a sailor walked by,
Coo coo, wearing rosemary,
Coo coo, the little frog asked for a sprig,
Coo coo, but he didn't give her any,
Coo coo, so she started to swim.
Once there was a big cat purring,
All curled up on his big pillow
He would close his eyes pretending to sleep,
He would move his tail with a bored look.

Once there was a tiny, tiny, tiny mouse
That would pop his snout out of a little hole.
He would disappear, pop out again
And make a little cry before leaving.

He came out of his hideout, ran across the carpet
And was even afraid of his shadow.
But on the way back he felt a big roar
He saw two big eyes and a huge cat.

He felt a great swipe on his little tail
And he started to run, very frightened.
And here stops the tale of my tiny mouse
That would pop his snout out of a little hole.
The courtyard of my house
Is special:
When it rains, it gets wet
As the others do.

Duck down,
And duck down again
The little ducked-down ones
Know well how to play.

H, I, J, K,
L, LL, M, A,
If you don't love me
Another girl will.

Yellow chocolate,
Run, run or I'll catch you,
Stretch, stretch
For the devil must pass by.

A Atocha va una niña, carabí.
A Atocha va una niña, carabí.
Hija de un capitán,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Hija de un capitán,
carabí urí, carabí urá.

¡Qué hermoso pelo tiene! carabí.
¡Qué hermoso pelo tiene! carabí.
¿Quién se lo peinará?
carabí urí, carabí urá.
¿Quién se lo peinará
carabí urí, carabí urá.

Se lo peina su tía, carabí.
Se lo peina su tía, carabí.
Con mucha suavidad,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Con mucha suavidad
carabí urí, carabí urá.

Con peinecito de oro, carabí.
Con peinecito de oro, carabí
y horquillas de cristal,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Y horquillas de cristal
carabí urí, carabí urá.

La niña está enfermita, carabí.
La niña está enfermita, carabí.
Quizá se curará,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Quizá se curará,
carabí urí, carabí urá.

La niña ya se ha muerto, carabí.
La niña ya se ha muerto, carabí.
La llevan a enterrar,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
La llevan a enterrar,
carabí urí, carabí urá.

La caja era de oro, carabí.
La caja era de oro, carabí.
La tapa de cristal,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
La tapa de cristal,
carabí urí, carabí urá.

Encima de la tapa, carabí.
Encima de la tapa, carabí.
Dos pajaritos van,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Dos pajaritos van,
carabí urí, carabí urá.

Cantando el pío, pío, carabí.
Cantando el pío, pío, carabí.
Cantando el pío, pá.
carabí urí, carabí urá.
Cantando el pío, pá,
carabí urí, carabí urá.
To Atocha a girl is going, carabee,
To Atocha a girl is going, carabee,
Daughter of a captain,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
Daughter of a captain,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

What lovely hair you have, carabee,
What lovely hair you have, carabee,
Who will comb it for you?
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
Who will comb it for you?
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

Her aunt combs it for her, carabee,
Her aunt combs it for her, carabee,
With much gentleness,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
With much gentleness,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

With a little golden comb, carabee,
With a little golden comb, carabee,
And crystal hairpins,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
And crystal hairpins,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

The poor girl is ill, carabee,
The poor girl is ill, carabee,
Maybe she'll recover,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
Maybe she'll recover,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

The girl has died, carabee,
The girl has died, carabee,
They bring her to her tomb,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
They bring her to her tomb,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

The coffin was made of gold, carabee,
The coffin was made of gold, carabee,
The lid was in crystal,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
The lid was in crystal,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

Above the lid, carabee,
Above the lid, carabee,
There were two birdies,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
There were two birdies,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.

Singing chirpy chirpy, carabee,
Singing chirpy chirpy, carabee,
Singing chirpy chirp,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah,
Singing chirpy chirp,
Carabee ooree, carabee oorah.
Al corro de la patata
Comeremos ensalada,
Lo que comen los señores,
Naranjitas y limones.
¡Alupé, alupé,*
Sentadita me quedé!

*Versión diferente:
"a los pies, a los pies"…
At the potato round dance
We will eat some salad,
What gentlemen eat,
Oranges and lemons
Alupé, alupé!*
Sitting down I stayed.

*Alternate Version:
"At the feet, at the feet!"