
berceuse française

La berceuse est un genre musical, instrumental ou vocal, destiné à l'endormissement principalement celui des enfants. De la simple chanson enfantine au morceau de musique classique (Brahms) en passant par la musique populaire (Une chanson douce), la berceuse se retrouve dans toutes les civilisations du monde, le plus souvent chantée, parfois juste murmurée bouche fermée.
Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo

Maman est en haut
Qui fait du gâteau
Papa est en bas
Qui fait du chocolat

Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo

Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo

Ta sœur est en haut
Qui fait des chapeaux
Ton frère est en bas
Qui fait des nougats

Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo

Ton cousin Gaston
Fait des gros bonbons

Ta cousine Charlotte
Fait de la compote

Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo

Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère
Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo
Dodo, l’enfant do,
L’enfant dormira bien vite
Dodo, l’enfant do
L’enfant dormira bientôt.

Une poule blanche
Est là dans la grange.
Qui va faire un petit coco*
Pour l’enfant qui va fair’ dodo.

Dodo, l’enfant do,
L’enfant dormira bien vite
Dodo, l’enfant do
L’enfant dormira bientôt.

Tout le monde est sage
Dans le voisinage
Il est l’heure d’aller dormir
Le sommeil va bientôt venir.
Une chanson douce
Que me chantait ma maman,
En suçant mon pouce
J'écoutais en m'endormant.
Cette chanson douce,
Je veux la chanter pour toi
Car ta peau est douce
Comme la mousse des bois.

La petite biche est aux abois.
Dans le bois, se cache le loup,
Ouh, ouh, ouh ouh !
Mais le brave chevalier passa.
Il prit la biche dans ses bras.
La, la, la, la.

La petite biche,
Ce sera toi, si tu veux.
Le loup, on s'en fiche.
Contre lui, nous serons deux.
Une chanson douce
Que me chantait ma maman,
Une chanson douce
Pour tous les petits enfants.

O le joli conte que voilà,
La biche, en femme, se changea,
La, la, la, la
Et dans les bras du beau chevalier,
Belle princesse elle est restée,
Eh, eh, eh, eh
Dors, mon petit enfant,
Mon petit poussin, mon gros raisin,
Tu me feras du chagrin
Si tu ne dors pas jusqu'à demain.
"Sleep, my little child,
My little chick, my plump grape,
You will cause me grief
If you don't sleep until tomorrow."
Chut!, Chut!, faut pas te réveiller
Je voulais juste t'embrasser
Te regarder encore une fois
Pour t'emporter avec moi
Là où je vais... chanter

Maman t'aime, maman t'aime
Maman t'aime, maman t'aime

Surtout ne me regarde pas
Surtout ne me tends pas les bras
Ne pleure, ne pleure surtout pas
Je vais rester, mais je ne peux pas
Je ne peux pas...

Maman t'aime, maman t'aime
Maman t'aime, maman t'aime
Maman t'aime, maman t'aime
Maman t'aime, maman t'aime

Oh!, que je t'aime
Je sais, je te fais de la peine
Je t'amène avec moi sur scène
Et si le public m'ovationne
C'est parce que t'es avec moi
Mon homme

Maman t'aime, je t'aime
Il était une petite poule noire
Qui allait pondre dans l'armoire
Pondait un petit? coco
Que l'enfant mangeait tout chaud
Il était une petite poule blanche
Qui allait pondre dans la grange
Pondait un petit coco
Que l'enfant mangeait tout chaud
Il était une petite poule rousse
Qui allait pondre dans la mousse
Pondait un petit coco
Que l'enfant mangeait tout chaud
Il était une petite poule brune
Qui allait pondre dans la lune
Pondait un petit coco
Que l'enfant mangeait tout chaud
It was a little black hen
Who would lay in the cupboard
It lays a small egg
Which the child ate? hot
It was a little white hen
Who would lay in the barn
It lays a small egg
Which the child ate hot
It was a little red hen
Who would lay in the moss
It lays a small egg
Which the child ate hot
It was a little brown hen
Who would lay on the moon
It lays a small egg
Which the child ate hot
Ah ! Vous dirai-je Maman
Ce qui cause mon tourment
Papa veut que je raisonne
Comme une grande personne
Moi je dis que les bonbons
Valent mieux que la raison.


Oh! Shall I tell you, Mommy
What is tormenting me?
Daddy wants me to reason
Like a grown-up person, Me, I say that sweets
Are worth more than reasoning.
Au clair de la lune
Trois petits lapins
Qui mangeaient des prunes
Comm' trois p'tits coquins
La pipe à la bouche
Le verre à la main
En disant "Mesdames,
Versez-nous du vin.
Tout plein,
Jusqu'à demain


Under the moonlight
Three little rabbits
Who were eating prunes
Like three little scamps,
A pipe in the mouth
A glass in hand,
Saying, "Ladies,
Pour us some wine,
A lot,
Until tomorrow
At the clear spring,
As I was strolling by,
I found the water so nice
That I went in to bathe.

It's so long I've been loving you,
That I'll never forget you.

Under an oak tree,
I dried myself.
On the highest branch
A nightingale was singing.


Sing, nightingale, sing,
Your heart is so happy.
Your heart feels like laughing,
Mine feels like weeping.


I lost my beloved
Without deserving it
Over a bouquet of roses
That I refused to give her.


I wanted the rose
To stay on the rosebush,
And for my sweet love
To be still loving me.
Under the moonlight:
"My friend Pierrot
Lend me your pen
So I can write a note.
My candle is out,
I no longer have a light.
Open your door for me,
For the love of God!"

Under the moonlight:
Pierrot replied,
"I don't have a pen,
I'm in my bed.
Go to the neighbor's house,
I believe she's there,
Because in her kitchen,
Someone lit a match."

Under the moonlight:
Kind Rubin
Knocks at the brunette's door.
All of a sudden she replies,
"Who's knocking like that?"
He says in turn,
"Open your door,
For the god of love."

Under the moonlight:
Only a little can be seen,
The pen was looked for
A light was looked for,
Searching like this
I don't know what was found,
But I do know that the door
Was closed on them.
A crocodile is going to war
Bidding his little children farewell,
Dragging his tail, his tail in the dust
He was going to fight the elephants.

Oh the cro-co-co, the cro-co-co, the crocodiles
From the banks of the Nile, they left, say no more about it,
Oh the cro-co-co, the cro-co-co, the crocodiles
From the banks of the Nile, they left, it's all over.

He was humming a military march
He chomped out the words mightily***
When he opened his mouth wide
We expected to see his enemies inside.


He was shaking his long tail in the back
As if he was triumphant in advance,
The animals, seeing his proud face
Fled trembling to the forests.


An elephant showed up and on earth
A battle of giants was being prepared,
But nearby, a river was flowing,
Suddenly, the crocodile jumped into it.


And full of a healthy fear,
He went back to his little children.
Our elephant, with a prouder trunk
Then wanted to accompany this song.

There's a little bird that once took flight,*
There's a little bird that once took flight,
That once took, a-fluttering,
That once took, a-fluttering,
That once took flight.

That once took flight to an orange tree,
That once took flight to an orange tree,
To an, oh, a-fluttering,
To an, oh, a-fluttering,
To an orange tree.

The branch was so dry that the bird fell down,
The branch was so dry that the bird fell down,
That the bird, a-fluttering
That the bird, a-fluttering
That the bird fell down.

My dear little bird, say, did you get hurt?
My dear little bird, say, did you get hurt?
Say, did you, a-fluttering,
Say, did you, a-fluttering,
Say, did you get hurt?

I broke one of my wings and twisted my foot,
I broke one of my wings and twisted my foot,
And twisted, a-fluttering,
And twisted, a-fluttering,
And twisted my foot.

My little bird, do you want to tend to yourself?
My little bird, do you want to tend to yourself?
Want to tend to, a-fluttering,
Want to tend to, a-fluttering,
Want to tend to yourself?

I want to be tended to and to get married
I want to be tended to and to get married
And to get, a-fluttering,
And to get, a-fluttering,
And to get married.

And (girl's name) she will be my bride
And (girl's name) she will be my bride
She will be, a-fluttering,
She will be, a-fluttering,
She will be my bride.
Ainsi font, font, font
Les petites marionnettes
Ainsi font font font
Trois petits tours
Et puis s'en vont
Elle reviendront
Les petites marionnettes
Elles reviendront
Quand les autres partiront.


They do, do, do this way
The little puppets
They do, do, do this way
Three little turns
And then they go away.
They will come back
The little puppets
They will come back
When the others go away.